Welcome to Xplore! We Can't Wait To See You!
Below is some information regarding lunch, drop-off/pick-up, and what to pack that will help you get ready for the best camp experience possible. Questions? Contact the Xplore office at xplore@hopelutheranwf.org or 919-341-5381.
Camp Hours
The camp day runs from 8:00am – 5:00pm. Early Care Drop Off is from 7:30 – 8AM ($25 per week or $7 per day) or Late Care Pick Up is from 5:00-5:30PM ($25 per week or $7 per day). If you need 7:30am early care and have not yet registered for it, please email the officeas soon as possible so that we can make arrangements for your child.
Drop-Off/Pick-Up Procedures
- We do not offer late care past 5:30pm. If you are late picking up your child, there will be a $1.00 fee charged for every minute past 5:35pm and this fee is due at the time of pick up. If you are running late, please do not hesitate to contact us via the church office at 919-341-5381.
- Early Pick-up (Picking up before 4:30pm): If you would like to pick up your child before 4:30pm, please notify the teacher of the pick-up time when you drop your child off in the morning.
Other Policies & Procedures
Please read through our Xplore Procedures before you visit.
Payments may be made through www.myprocare.com. If you prefer to pay by check, please mail to Hope Lutheran Church, ATTN: Track Out, 3525 Rogers Road, Wake Forest, NC 27587 or hand it to a staff person during carpool.
Medications & Medical Conditions
If your camper needs medications or has a medical condition that we need to be aware of, please email the office for more instructions.
What To Bring Ton Camp:
- Backpack with a complete change of clothes.
- PEANUT FREE & TREE NUT FREE lunch & 2 snacks (no nuts of any kind, no Nutella, no peanut butter, no granola bars with nuts. THANK YOU!)
- Refillable Water Bottle
- For each week of camp an email is sent out the Friday before. This email has more details about the week and what to expect.
Other Tips:
- Personal items brought from home will be the campers responsibility to keep up with.
- As a reminder, Hope Lutheran Church is a PEANUT FREE & TREE NUT FREE facility. Please send your child to camp with a nut free lunch and two nut free snacks.
- It is important for campers to have adequate food & water to last throughout the entire day of camp.
- We will take weather permitting, daily walks to the Smith Creek playground and soccer fields, go on our Basketball Court and to the Playground; therefore, please be sure to send in weather-appropriate clothing and tennis shoes with your camper.
Fun Food Wednesday:
Please note Fun Food Wednesday rotates every 3 weeks. This must be registered for during the camp registration.