To submit a new prayer request email:
Prayer Requests for the week of March 23, 2025
- Prayers of strength and healing for Katie Struck, recently diagnosed with cancer.
- Prayers of strength and healing for a classmate, battling leukemia.
- Prayers for Sheldon, battling last stages of cancer, under hospice care.
- Prayers of strength and healing for Jim Baker, on his upcoming knee replacement surgery 3/26.
- Prayers of strength and healing for a friend, experiencing a lot of pain following an extensive dental procedure.
- Prayers of strength and healing for Carolyn Keeter, after a bad fall
- Prayers of strength and healing for Wanda, as she embarks on a new treatment for pancreatic cancer.
- Prayers of strength and healing for Rosie Miller's son, David Carte (Texas), as he undergoes extensive oral surgery tomorrow, March 26th, as a result of previous cancer treatments in 2019.
Prayer Requests for the week of March 16, 2025
- Prayers of strength and healing for Rita Germer, as she recovers from a broken leg due to a recent fall.
- Please pray for Becky Ziegler, mother of Heather Weitzel, who is having surgery on Tuesday.
- Please pray for Bob Bailey, uncle of Sherri Hall, undergoing cancer treatment.
- Prayers of strength and healing for a friend's daughter having major surgery on Wednesday.
- Please pray for Wanda Ohle for good results from a medical procedure at WakeMed Hospital on Tuesday, March 17.
- Prayers of strength and healing for Bette Barrett who is in rehab with a severely degenerated hip awaiting surgery. She is suffering severe pain.
- Prayers of strength and healing for Chip Phipps, as he battles the flu.
- Prayers of strength and healing for a friend of Jennifer Case, who is having medical issues and is struggling with her living condition.
Prayer Requests for the week of March 9, 2025
- Prayers of strength and healing for Rick Pfendler as he navigates, his recent esophageal cancer diagnosis.
- Prayers of strength and healing for Mary Owens, for her continued heart and lung issues.
- Prayers of strength and healing for Crystal, niece of Erin Barker
- Prayers for safe travels for all the ladies going on the Stitches Retreat today to Lake Gaston.
- Prayers of guidance for Andrew.
- Prayers of comfort and peace for Jill Touchberry's niece, Christina and her two young daughters, at the loss of their husband and father.
- Prayers of strength and healing for Rob’s friend Kest Schwartzman as she undergoes surgery for brain tumor.
Prayer Requests for the week of March 2, 2025
- Prayers strength and healing for Ted Bachman, as he recovers from his resent surgery.
- Prayers strength and healing for the Dennen’s nephew who has been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease.
- Prayers for the passing of William McCarthy, father to Sue Laurent and grandfather to Emily and Conor Laurent.
- Please pray for Alexis LaPorte and her family as they navigate her challenging medical diagnosis.
Prayer Requests for February 23, 2025
- Please pray for strength and healing for Jill Touchberry as she will have oral surgery on Friday, February 28
- Prayers of health and strength for Sandy Webber.
- Please pray for peace and comfort for the family and friends of Frank Leech, at his passing Friday, February, 21.
- Please pray for strength and healing for Rick (brother of Ray Sharpstene) as he recovers from a recent heart attack.
- Please pray for strength and healing for Valerie Wilson, for her upcoming eye surgery on Tuesday.
- Prayers of Comfort and peace for Rebecca Miller upon the death of her mother, Joyce Smith. An internment service will be held at Hope's Columbarium on Saturday, March 1st at 1:00 pm
- Praise & Thanksgiving for the birth of Josie Jane Weglaz, niece of Tyler Glander.
- Continued prayers for healing and recovery for Jean Noon.
- Prayers for successful cancer treatment for Joe Noon, father of Matt Noon.
- Prayers for strength and healing for Pope Francis who is in critical condition.
- Please pray for strength and healing for Steve Koehler, Victoria Janzen’s brother, who is having a celiac nerve block Thursday to help control pancreatic cancer pain.
Prayer Requests for February 16, 2025
- Prayers of peace and comfort for Susan Johanson and family at the passing of her mother Mary Shultz.
Prayer Requests for February 9, 2025
- Please pray for peace and comfort of the family of Maureen Seymour, at her peaceful passing.
- Please pray for strength and healing for Linda Hudson, for her upcoming eye surgery on Wednesday 2/19.
- Please pray for peace and comfort for Ruth Barlow whose father passed away on Saturday at the age of 98.
- Please pray for peace and comfort of the family of Philip F. Boyle at his passing last week.
- Please pray for strength and healing for the daughter of Kathy Pickens, as she has had a migraine for 3 weeks.