To submit a new prayer request email:
Prayer Requests for February 16, 2025
- Prayers of peace and comfort for Susan Johanson and family at the passing of her mother Mary Shultz.
Prayer Requests for February 9, 2025
- Please pray for peace and comfort of the family of Maureen Seymour, at her peaceful passing.
- Please pray for strength and healing for Linda Hudson, for her upcoming eye surgery on Wednesday 2/19.
- Please pray for peace and comfort for Ruth Barlow whose father passed away on Saturday at the age of 98.
- Please pray for peace and comfort of the family of Philip F. Boyle at his passing last week.
- Please pray for strength and healing for the daughter of Kathy Pickens, as she has had a migraine for 3 weeks.
Prayer Requests for February 2, 2025
Prayer Requests
- Prayers for the Dennen's nephew going through medical tests.
- Prayers of comfort and peace for the family and loved ones of Alex Plavahkas who recently passed.
- Prayers for strength and healing for Maureen Seymour in hospice.
- Please pray for Jane Mercadante mother of Steven Mercadante.
- Please Pray for Allen Baker husband of Erin Baker on his journey to stop smoking.
Prayer Requests for January 26, 2025
- Please pray for strength and healing for Kaye Ward friend of Yvonne Subryan.
- Please pray for strength, insight and healing for Kathy Jarchow, as she is hospitalized for testing and supportive care.
- Please pray for strength and healing for Janet recovering from a stroke.
- Continued Prayers for healing and recovery from surgery for Tonya Wagner, Pastor and Lana’s daughter-in-law who remains hospitalized at UNC Hospital, Chapel Hill.
- Please pray for strength and healing for Riley Webb recovering from an accident.
- Please pray for a successful upcoming surgery for Olivia, daughter of Megan Johnson.
- Please pray for strength and healing for Sandy Shankin daughter of Marilyn Ayers recovering from a dog attack.
- Comfort and peace for the family of Effie Draetta. A memorial service will be held at Hope this Saturday, February 1st at 1:00 PM.
- Please pray for Julie Spottiswood (Aunt of Wesley Spottiswood) Who was airlifted to Nashville Hospital and is in critical condition.
- Prayers of strength and healing for Stephen Koehler, Vicki Janzen's brother, who has pancreatic cancer.
Prayer Requests for January 19, 2025
- Please pray to guide the doctor's hands during surgery for Todd Haugland on February 6th to stabilize a previously injured finger. A prayer for healing during the 6-8 weeks of recovery to best functionality.
- Please pray for healing for Vanessa Turner, niece of Jamie and Marilyn Ayers involved in a serious auto accident.
- Prayers of comfort and peace for the family and loved ones of Signe Marwede at her passing on January 19.
- Pray for a successful shoulder surgery for Bonnie Smith on Tuesday, January 21st.
- Prayers for healing for Mitch Winstead (son-in-law of the Jomp’s) for multiple health problems and who is currently in the hospital.
- Please pray for comfort and peace for the family and friends of John Janosko who passed away this morning. Service plans will be announced soon.
- Prayers of peace and comfort for Trisha Toth and family at the passing of her mother Judy Toth, cousin of Rob Varner.
- Please pray for strength and heling for Sandy Webber as she continues to struggle with health issues.
- Prayers for strength and healing for Yousef Sultan, Joseline Kirkendoll’s uncle, who is in a coma after suffering a stroke.
- Prayers of thanks and praise that David Fenzl has completed radiation treatments, and pray that the cancer is now in remission.
- Please pray for strength and healing for Tonya Wagner, daughter in law of Pastor Wagner and Lana as she has been re-admitted to UNC Hospital following surgery last week.
Prayer Requests for January 13, 2025
- Please pray for strength and healing for John Janasko, who is in the hospital.
- Please pray for strength and healing for Jennifer Niesel, who is recovering from surgery.
- Prayers of peace and comfort for Rickie Grandson of Yvonne at the passing of his other Grandmother.
- Please pray for strength and healing for the mother of Stephen Murray as she struggles with heath issues.
- Please pray for strength and healing for Andy, cousin of Brian and Ben Mielke, who is struggling with complications from a stroke.
- Please pray for strength and healing for Shirley Van Gilder as she continues to recover from Covid.
- Prayers of Thanksgiving for the healthy birth of Caleb Eli Bessant on Jan.14th, grandson to Jenny and Tim Holt.
- Praise & Thanksgiving for the birth of Jack Raymond Fisher, parents Shane & Morgan Fisher and grandparents Mark & Regina Fisher. Regina’s new email-
- Prayers for strength and healing for Sheila Bishop’s grandson David and daughter Allison.
- Please pray for California residents helping others (firefighters, Red Cross, etc) + those impacted by the fires.
- Pray for strength and peace for volunteers in Western NC working to rebuild Camp Linn Haven (Newland NC) & Mt Pisgah Lutheran Church (Hendersonville NC). Workers are coming from across the country.
Prayer Requests for January 5, 2025
- Prayers of peace and comfort to a family as they grieve the 1st anniversary of a loved ones death.
- Please pray for peace and comfort for Jeanne Melhinch whose mother passed away on Christmas morning.
- Please pray for strength and healing for Signe Marwede as she struggles to recover from back surgery.
- Prayers for peace and comfort for the family of Kent Baldwin, friend of Bob and Vickie Herring, who passed away this morning.
- Prayers for friends of Beth Agner, as they have lost everything to the fires in California.
- Prayers for Tonya Wagner, daughter-in-law of Pastor and Lana having surgery on Thursday at UNC Hospital, Chapel Hill
- Prayers for good test results for Anita Wagner and Barbara Mills, family of Pastor and Lana.
- Prayers for those effected by the fires in California. Special prayers for those at Palisades Lutheran, Beth Agner’s former call.
- Prayers of Thanksgiving for the birth of Lilliana Marie Pfendler to Chase and Kristie Pfendler, grandaugher to Renee & Rick Pfendler.
- Pray for peace and comfort for the Sorensen family at the passing of Chris Sorensen’s mother.
- Prayers for the family of Chris Ratcliff, father in law to Will Lassiter, who died unexpectedly last Friday.
- Please pray for strength and healing for Shirley Van Gilder recovering from Covid in Wake Med North. Prayers for a speedy recovery.
Prayer Requests for December 29, 2024
- Prayers for comfort and peace for Rick Pfendler & family at the passing of his father, Robert Pfendler.
- Prayers for comfort and peace for Judy, the sister of Time Smith, who is mourning the loss of her husband, Skip.
- Prayers for strength and healing for Judy Tyson, who recently went through shoulder replacement surgery.
- Prayers for strength and healing for Kristen Hobbie's Mother, who is undergoing neck fusion surgery.
- Prayers for a church member who's place of work is undergoing major year end changes.
- Prayers for a successful shoulder replacement surgery on this coming Thursday and a speedy recovery for Patrick McGovern.
Prayer Requests for December 22, 2024
- Prayers of thanksgiving for the birth of Rick and Renee Pfendler’s granddaughter, Merigold Joy, to Ryan and Jess Pfendler.
- Prayers for thanksgiving from the Ritter Family on all of the blessings and gifts given to Reese on his acceptance to Duke University. May he use these gifts for God’s kingdom.
- Prayers for strength and healing for Rodger Fulbright on his knee replacement surgery.
- Prayers for strength and healing for Joe John Sr., friend of the Mielke family, who is hospitalized and battling throat cancer.
- Prayers for comfort and peace for the family of Alex Patschke on the passing of her grandmother.
- Prayers of comfort and peace for Amy and Mark following the loss of their son.
- Pray for the continued well recovery of Lynn Levvis, Scott Hall's aunt, who had her second knee replacement surgery last week.