The Nursery staff is committed to providing a safe, loving, and Christ-centered atmosphere for your child to enjoy.
Children’s Christian music, Bible stories, and crafts are all present in a typical nursery hour. The ultimate goal of the Nursery is to give parents a peace of mind that their children are well taken care of and while learning about the love of Jesus.
Nursery Hours:
- Saturday: 5:30-6:30PM
- Sunday: Open for the 8:30 service, Education Hour (9:45-10:45), and the 11:00AM service
- Wednesday Night Alive: 6:30 – 7:30PM
- Special Events & Services: The Nursery is typically open during Wednesday Advent and Lenten services as well as during special events. If you are unsure if the Nursery is open, contact the church office at 919-554-8109.
All staff is employed by Hope and receives a background check prior to employment.