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BREW Camping and Backpacking Trip


When: August 5-7th
Who: All young adults - HS grads and up
Where: Mountains to Sea Trail @ Falls Lake
Cost: $30 for full trip, $15 for partial

Ready for a summer adventure? We're tackling a fun section of the Mountains-to-Sea trail on Falls Lake and camping out at Shinleaf and Rolling View Campgrounds. We want this to be accessible for all but also challenging for those who want to work for it – so there are multiple levels of involvement. You can go “FULL SEND” and backpack the whole 27 miles with me, go “WEEKEND WARRIOR” and only hike part of it (options ranging from 7 miles - 20 miles total), or just go “CHILL MODE” with no hiking – only camping - plus providing some water resupply for the hikers at halfway points (don't worry you can drive to them).

*Warning* - it's gonna be August in NC - which means it will likely be HOT outside. We will have a lake to jump in and lots of water to drink so that will help - but be prepared. This will be challenging and uncomfortable - especially for those doing the backpacking portion. This is a character-building trip!

Event Coordinator Steven McCarthy

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