by Pastor Wayne Puls on February 28, 2023

Have you ever held up a pair of binoculars, or a monocular, and tried to see something off in the distance? You might get lucky and be able to see that object clearly right away. Most often, though, you have to adjust the focus. Usually, there’s a little wheel that you have to turn slowly, in order to bring the viewing object into sharp, well-defined focus. It’s not a complicated process, but focusing is a necessary process, to use those long-distance viewing instruments properly. 

This season of Lent that we find ourselves in is much like that little wheel. The 40 days of Lent bring spiritual focus to our lives. In the whirlwind of our daily lives, with so much heartache and turmoil ever-present, it can be hard to keep our focus on the ways and words of our God. But Lent calls us to zoom in on the cross of Jesus Christ, to center our spirits on the amazing sacrificial love that God has for his people. Lent challenges us to set aside the world’s distractions, and to shift our focus away from the temptations which surround us. Lent is a wonderful time to re-focus our spirits, to renew our connection with our Savior, and to re-commit ourselves to discipleship and obedience. 

Need some of that focus in your life? It’s the Word and Sacraments of God that can make it happen! Join us each weekend during Lent for worship, and for Sunday morning Bible study. Check out the sermon themes and adult education class topics, described in these pages. Make some extra time for spiritual focus on Wednesdays, as the congregation gathers for worship at 7:00PM each week during Lent. Do some extra Bible reading, and allow the Word of God to speak to your heart, using the Gospel Challenge that’s laid out in these pages, or any other Scripture sections that you choose. 

Lent is here, friends. It’s time to focus! 

In Christ, 

Pastor Wayne Puls 

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