Making the Most of Summertime

Making the Most of Summertime

by Pastor Wayne Puls on August 01, 2022

What’s your favorite summer activity? Going to the beach? Hiking in the mountains? Hanging out by the pool? Harvesting home-grown tomatoes? Enjoying Friday Night on White in downtown Wake Forest? Reading a book on the porch? Visiting family and friends? Shopping for fresh produce at the farmstand? Cooking s’mores with the kids and grandkids? Sleeping in on Sundays?

Wait a minute! That last one isn’t really a good answer for Christians like us, is it? Unless you’re a regular Saturday PM worshipper, that is. We all like to – and probably need to – take it a little bit easy during the summer. But sleeping in on Sundays this summer? Worship is an essential part of our lives as children of God, no matter what the season. Here are three important reasons why.

In worship, we acknowledge God’s blessings in our lives and express thanks for all his good gifts that sustain us in this world and in the next. The Lord pours out his blessings in your life, non-stop, doesn’t he? These summer months are the perfect time to offer thanks and praise!

In worship, we confess our sins and receive God’s pardon, along with his strengthening, through the Word and Sacraments. As for me, I need that spiritual refreshment every day, every week, and every month – including in the summertime. How about you?

In worship, we are called together in our congregation’s community of faith. God gives the people of Hope a common mission, and he gives us the spiritual gifts and resources we need to carry out that mission in our community. He doesn’t give to any one of us, or to any one portion of the congregation, all those gifts, and resources. He spreads them out. God provides these essential gifts and resources to each one of us, distributing them as he wills. So Hope’s mission – even in these summer months – is always going to have to be a team effort. Our congregation’s ability to proclaim and live the Word and love of Christ, in our church and in our community, depends on all of us participating in our team ministry. You included.

Enjoy all your summer activities out there, except for that last one on the list! But be sure, also, in these weeks of summer, to stay active (or start getting active again) in worship, as an important part of the Hope family.

See you in church!

Pastor Wayne Puls

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